
New Solutions at Work:

What is it? Solutions-at-Work or “SAW” are individual ideas where a Member of the Mutual looked at an existing hazard and, through their employee’s years of experience, knowledge, or creativity, developed a Solution to the problem that eliminated or reduced the hazard to employees and the chance of injury.

Please see below for information on these 4 new Solutions at Work: 

Crane Swing Radius Protection: Reducing the Risk of Employees Getting Pinched or Crushed

The swing radius of a crane refers to the area around the crane where it can swing its load while in operation. Ensuring safety within this radius is crucial to prevent accidents and damage to property or people. 

Voxel AI – Build a proactive data-driven safety culture with the power of AI

Voxel is an AI-powered site visibility platform that connects with existing security cameras to shed light on near misses and risky behaviors that often go unreported and undetected in ports, supply chains, and manufacturing environments.

Ulett Devices

In 2020 & 2021, a Members Port Operations Dept. sustained three similar injuries from the safety-sensitive function of lifting out-of-gauge flat racks using wire rope slings. To keep tension on the hooks at the end of the cable wires in the corner castings, the wire rope sling must be pulled to “take up the slack” while the shoreside crane lifts the spreader bar and the load.

Active Hearing Protection Signs

When employees do not know the current noise level in a workspace, they will not know if hearing protection is required or not.

Full library under the Safety Resources Library in the Safety Resources section.

If you have similar operations, please share this Operational Alert with operation managers, supervisors, equipment operators, and all affected employees. It is imperative that management, at all levels, review their operations for similar hazardous conditions, acts, and controls.