National Cargo Bureau, Inc., a Signal Member, has partnered with NOVA Southeastern University (NSU) to provide OSHA 10-hour maritime safety training to the industry free of charge. The training is sponsored through a grant provided to NSU by the National Institute of Environmental Health Science. The training is conducted remotely with a live instructor: (Scott D. Brown – Chief Marine Risk Engineering at Natcargo.org, and they are adding others). Each participant that successfully completes the training will receive an OSHA 10-hour card for the respective course.
Please see the attached brochures and agendas for the upcoming classes in March (Shipyard course) and April (Marine Terminal course). Generally, they conduct the courses once a month on an alternating basis. Therefore, if someone is interested and can't make the March or April class, there will be others. The brochures include links to the registration page on the NSU website. Additional information can be found here: www.natcargo.org.
A Big Thank You to National Cargo Bureau, Inc., for offering this amazing learning opportunity to Signal Members!
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