
New Operational Alert: Worker Injured When Gangway Falls & RTG Seriously Injures Worker

Operational Alert’s, inform Signal Mutual Members of serious incidents or a significant near-miss within the Mutual. If you have similar operations, please share this Operational Alert with operation managers, supervisors, equipment operators, and all affected employees. It is imperative that management, at all levels review their operations for similar hazardous conditions, acts, and their controls.

Worker Injured When Gangway Falls

A vessel lasher recently suffered multiple injuries after stepping on a gangway that unexpectedly slid off the dock. This incident occurred due to the gangway being inadequately secured to the dock. The combination of loose lines and the worker's weight transferring to the gangway from the shore caused it to slide off, resulting in a 6-8ft fall from the dock.


A Utility Tractor (UTR) driver (jockey truck, hustler, etc.) parked next to the path of a Rubber-Tired Gantry Crane (RTG) during active container handling operations.  When the driver exited the truck, the RTG struck the worker, resulting in an amputation and life-altering event.


If you have similar operations, please share this Operational Alert, and have a safety discussion with operation managers, supervisors, equipment operators, and all affected employees.