
SMIA Safety Committee Meeting: February 2024

The Signal Mutual Indemnity Association (SMIA) Safety Committee Meetings is a two-day event held three times a year across the continental US.

Winter SMIA Safety Committee

February 27 & 28, 2024- Galveston, Texas

Meeting Layout: 

Day 1: Membership Meeting is a full day with presentations, speakers, updates on the Committee's items for the association, and more!

Day 2: Committee Meetings are working meetings in which you are encouraged to give input and ideas on projects the Subcommittees are working on. There are four (4) Subcommittees in which you will be able to attend the appropriate subcommittee(s):

  • Marine Terminal
  • M-CODED: Marine Construction-Offshore-Diving-Energy-Dredging
  • Shipyard
  • Terminal Automation

These meetings are an excellent opportunity to network with the Committee and Signal Members! Both days of the Membership Meeting and the Committee Meetings are open to the entire Membership.


Membership Meeting Agenda

Shipyard Committee Agenda

Terminal Automation Committee Agenda

Marine Terminal Committee Agenda

M-CODED Committee Agenda 

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Terry Swinson at terry.swinson@signalmutual.com